What is Distant Healing or Remote Healing?
“Distant” or “Remote” healing generally means that there is a separation between the healer practitioner and the recipient of the healer’s intention. That separation can be a few feet or thousands of miles.
Did you know that prayer is a form of remote healing? Compassion meditation focused on relieving suffering and improving wellness is a form of distant healing as well.
As a method for improving wellness, distant or remote healing has its origins in a variety of spiritual traditions. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, American Indian traditions, Aboriginal traditions, and Hinduism, among others all practice distant healing.
How does Distant Healing or Remote Healing Work?
The “how” of distant healing is rooted in the method chosen, the worldview of the healer, and quantum physics. At the heart of virtually all remote healing approaches is a healer’s understanding of how the Universe works.
How are we connected to each other? That perspective informs how a healer heals. It may include a Universal Consciousness or God. It may include a non-religious perspective where everything and every being is interconnected through a Unified Universal Field.
Whatever the approach to distant healing, a healer uses focused mental intention as a tool. That focus may have been developed through years of meditation training. The clarity of the healer’s focus strengthens the connection and the healer’s ability to positively impact another’s wellness profile.
Will I Feel Anything?
Maybe. Maybe not. How sensitive are you? And even if you are sensitive, some days are just harder than others and you feel out-of-sorts with everything around you. A better question is, “Does it matter?” Just like the air around you can’t be seen, we still know it’s there, right? Well, a healer’s intention, a focused wave of energy exists, even if you can’t feel it. It’s still there.
In our experience, remote healing can be highly effective when integrated into a multi-therapy wellness program. As a stand-alone therapy, it works, too. Especially if the goal is to unearth buried pain and emotional trauma. It’s also good for clarifying personal goals and better understanding one’s life purpose.
What does Science Have to Say About Distant Healing?
Understanding Distant Healing from a scientific viewpoint remains challenging. Why? First, only quantum physics includes the concepts of field phenomena; that is, how objects (think humans) not connected physically to each other could in fact be interacting at a quantum level through their biofields and the universal energy field in general.
Sound complicated? That’s because it is. For many, things that don’t touch, can’t act on each other. End of story. Therefore, healing at a distance is impossible.
For others, the story is way from over. In fact, the plot is thickening. Our understanding of the interactions among the brain, the mind and consciousness is expanding in leaps and bounds. Reality is shifting as scientists probe ever deeper into the relationships between thought, emotion, matter and the field that surrounds and interpenetrates everything.
While many scientists today maintain that the “mind” is only a by-product of the physical brain, times are changing. We now live in a world in which experiments in quantum mechanics have demonstrated that the fabric of our universe may be consciousness itself. We are learning that anything that vibrates carries energy and information across space and time, sometimes instantaneously. For these scientists, the old dogma that insists that since there’s no way that two brains can touch each other, two minds can’t either, is giving way to new ideas, new possibilities like the air that’s always been there, even when we didn’t know it existed.
How does a Distant Healing Session with Us Work?
Once you decide to have a remote healing session, contact us and together we can create a plan. Our experience with clients over the last 15 years, suggests while healing can happen instantaneously, it often takes some time to be acknowledged in the body-mind. During a session, we Intend; you Receive. Transformation happens through the clarity of connection to Source. We are conduits for universal healing frequencies directed via the medium of intention towards you. We channel intention-directed frequencies to you for three consecutive days to allow you to deepen your relaxation during the sending and maximize your receipt of the frequency medicine. Post the three sendings, a debrief with be scheduled via Zoom or phone to answer questions and adjust plans.
We’re a team and our primary goal is to resolve the root cause of your concern in whatever way supports your highest good.
You will lie down somewhere quiet where you won’t be interrupted by people, the phone, the door, or pets. Breath deeply, relax, and focus inward, and open your heart to receive with gratitude.
If you’re interested in some of the scientific research supporting distant healing, you may want to begin by examining the research literature on non-locality and intention, consciousness, and the biofield. Enjoy. changes in brain function through distant healing, distant healing intention therapies, physics paradigms that allow for distant healing, nonlocality and intention effects in healing studies, challenges for biofield research, biofield therapies: a synthesis, distant healing handbook, introducing TDVP: a new understanding of consciousness
General Information about Distant Healing Sessions
Session Information