Our YouTube Disclaimer contains important information we need to share with you. It also includes information we need you to understand.
The content (the video, description, links, and comments) available at this channel is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content is not intended to diagnose or to treat any psychological or physical health condition, and nothing contained in the content should be misconstrued as such. The content should also not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any mental health, medical, or physical condition.
Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own medical doctor or healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC, and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content.
Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk. By voluntarily engaging with any substance, program, or exercise described, depicted or demonstrated on this channel, you assume the risk of any resulting injury.
The use of the internet for communications with Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC, Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, will not establish a patient-client relationship and messages containing confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent when contacting Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, or Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley. A patient-client relationship with you is only formed after they have expressly entered into a written agreement with them and you have read, agreed to, and signed their Informed Consent, which includes their fee structure and other terms to represent you in a specific manner.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your mental health or medical condition.
Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC may at any time and at its sole discretion change or replace the information available on this channel.
To the extent permitted by mandatory law, Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC and Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to, use or misuse of any content available on this channel, including viruses, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content.
Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC and Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP disclaim any control over, relationship with, or endorsement of views expressed by other YouTube users.
Any links to other websites are provided only as a convenience and Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC and Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP encourage you to read the privacy statements of any third-party websites.
All comments will be reviewed by Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC and Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP and may be deleted if deemed inappropriate. Comments which are off-topic, offensive or promotional will not be posted. The comments/post are from members of the public and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC and Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP.
Viewing YouTube content on this channel constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions, and any and all other terms and conditions governing the Rolle Integrative Healing Solutions, LLC website.
Coaching Addendum
By participating in our programs, reading our website, blog or emails, or viewing video content on YouTube, you acknowledge that Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP are not licensed medical doctors, psychologists or licensed mental healthcare professionals and their services or the services of employees of Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC do not replace the care of physicians, psychologists, or other mental healthcare professionals.
Mind Body and Spiritual coaching are in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. By participating in our services, reading our website, blog or emails, or viewing video content provided by Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC, you agree to assume all risk from use or misuse of any content available, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content, and to hold Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC, Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP harmless for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content.
Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, Ph.D. HTCP, HMCP, and any consultants or other service providers employed by Rolle Integrative Healing Solution, LLC will at all times exercise our best professional efforts, skills and care. However, we cannot guarantee the outcome of coaching efforts and/or recommendations on our website/blog/email series or in our video series and any comments about the outcome are expressions of opinion only. We cannot make any guarantees other than to deliver the coaching services purchased as described.