Nurturing Resilience
I was introduced to Dr. Ramona and Dr. Renee at a very pivotal time in my life. A job change coupled with increasing health complications had me emotionally drained, stressed, and in much physical pain.
The career change and health concerns went hand in hand, and Dr. Renee and Dr. Ramona helped me to realize this. What began as severe pressure and pain in the pelvis turned out to be stage IV endometriosis, including three endometrioma cysts, the largest being over 8cm on my right ovary, which required surgical removal.
Both Dr. Ramona and Dr. Renee were the constant support system that I needed in going through surgery for the first time in my life. We did many distant healing sessions which helped me feel confident and at greater peace with the procedure. After our sessions, I was always left feeling more energized than before, and a sense of calm would emerge that had been buried underneath all of the accumulated worries.
Throughout this time, we worked together to understand my personal archetypal patterns, which shed much light on the challenges and traumas that I’ve faced. Through greater understanding of my archetypal chart, I have been able to navigate the events in my life with increasing ease and discernment, thanks to the knowledge that Dr. Ramona and Dr. Renee have so patiently shared with me. This shift in perception felt empowering to say the least, and I have a new sense of confidence in facing situations that previously felt daunting and had left me drained and discouraged. When I feel emotionally triggered now, it no longer robs me of my power as much as it used to. It is an opportunity for me to examine where the trigger stems, and a signal for me to pay attention to what this feeling is trying to tell me. Before this, I would be so overwhelmed by the emotion that I would mentally shut down and retreat. I now have the tools to stay more present and calm in these emotionally trying situations.
I will be forever grateful for the generosity and integrity of these two women. If you are searching for healing and craving a change in your life, I would absolutely recommend working with Dr. Ramona or Dr. Renee. They will patiently and carefully guide you through the ups and downs on your own personal journey, and you will feel safe and loved in their hands.