Neuropathy, Facial Paralysis
On January 20th, I began sessions with Dr. Renee to assist with a generalized neuropathy that caused intermittent facial paralysis/weakness and equilibrium difficulties. Despite extensive tests, my doctor couldn’t find a physical cause. The only possible reason they gave me was that I have migraine headaches. In fact, I had more days with migraines than without. The headaches along with the neuropathy caused a big impact on my life and resulted in having to be placed on medical leave for a period of one month. It was during this time I went to Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley for help.
Each of the five sessions followed the same format, a review of past events/ activities, a rating of how I was feeling physically and emotionally, my goal of treatment for the session, the healing component, a review of the healing session and activities to work on for the following week.
Entering the first session I felt like I had only had a small amount of control of my face. I don’t really know how to relax, so the selection of music and Dr. Renee’s explanation of the process allowed me to relax enough that I could feel my energy flowing within my being and beyond. During our first session, I was able to feel the areas in which my energy was stuck, and areas which felt…freer. Experiencing the feeling of movement of my energy gave me hope.
In the sessions that followed, I experienced my energy blocks begin to crack and release. I actually relaxed more quickly on the table. Dr. Renee suggested that my Chi was beginning to flow back into previously closed off areas. My migraines were coming less often. I could feel the left side of my face again. Smiling didn’t look so lopsided. The feeling of energy actually moving was extraordinary. During our last few sessions, I felt the area of congestion just drain away as if a vile of liquid was being emptied. The most profound experience was on the fourth session as Dr. Renee was bringing energy into me. I experienced the energy as a bright yellow light entering at my shoulder area and traveling down by back and radiating up and past my eyes. This was a visual and well as visceral experience.
On the last session, I experienced an energy force press onto my ankle and then completely engulf and pass through me, left to right. I fully believe this to be my mom, who passed away six years ago and with whom I had a strained relationship at best.
Between Sessions
The results of tmy Healing Touch sessions really affected my life between sessions. My number of headaches that made me physically sick, dropped to no headache days in weeks. My balance returned. I was able to return to work.
The experiences with Dr. Renee succeeded because of her gifts. She clearly is able to work with the energy of an individual. But I believe that her ability to connect on a personal as well as professional level is equal to her gift. The connection I felt personally with her led to the use of her services. The professionalism and respect Dr. Renee constantly demonstrated contributed to my complete confidence in her ability. Simply put, I trust her to help me heal and to help me create new possibilities.
Physical, Emotional, Spiritual Development
The changes that came about during the sessions fell in three categories, physical, emotional and spiritual. Physically, the neuropathy started to diminish in intensity from the first session. Although the neuropathy in my face took a few weeks to go away, the number of anxiety attacks and the feeling that I was losing my balance dropped dramatically. Emotionally, Healing Touch sessions helped me to uncover that out-of-control anxiety was a real problem for me. With Dr. Renee’s support, I faced some job challenges and identified some personal boundaries that changed my perspective. I think this breakthrough helped reduce my physical symptoms. I felt hopeful that I could make a complete recovery. The confidence that knowledge gave me, was indescribable, especially as my symptoms continued to diminish. As I continued to work with Dr. Renee, I also experienced a deepening of my spiritual connection. Although I do not feel it is necessary to enter into the sessions with a spiritual tradition, being open minded to the power of my ability to feel and control energy, helped me experience more of myself than I thought possible. We are able to affect our well-being, it just takes that first step of believing.
What I experienced transformed my belief in energy healing. Where a few years ago I would have shaken my head at the idea of Healing Touch, now having experienced the sensation of energy transference for myself, I am a firm believer there is so much our minds are able to accomplish. With guidance, our blocks can be reduced and we can become aware of our internal energy.
The change brought about by the sessions was noticed my family and colleagues with surprising results. Colleagues immediately mentioned how rested and at peace I appeared and this led to a renewed energy for my career. My adult children sought out my company more often and asked for my opinion in matters concerning decisions they were making. The level of anxiety in the home has lessened tremendously. As where I would work late and fill up my time to avoid personal issues, I now cherish my home time as a time to connect with my family and with things I enjoy.
Looking back, the experience was in a word, transformational. The connections between our mind and our bodies cannot be denied. My experiences were enlightening, empowering and left me with a sense of control over my body’s reaction to stuff that happens in life. I will definitely seek Healing Touch again.
Jennifer Huang, Ed.D.
Alhambra School District, California
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