What is a Biofield Balance® Intuitive Assessment?

Biofield Balance® Intuitive Assessment (BBIA) is an in-the-moment evaluation of your “biofield”. What’s that? An umbrella term describing the body’s electromagnetic and subtle energetic field as experienced through the body’s chakras and aura layers. A BBIA evaluation is confidential, supportive, and non-judgmental. A BBIA is not a “cure” and not a “healing”. It’s an assessment, additional important information you can use to understand what’s going on for you and to decide how to proceed towards health.
In our work as intuitives, we use clairvoyance (clear seeing), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and clairaudience (clear hearing). To assess your biofield, clairvoyance is front and center. We “look” for clues and download targeted insights to provide you with information about how your emotional, mental, and spiritual life experiences may be limiting your physical potential. Then claircognizance guides us to provide you with options that you can choose to engage with as you seek to harmonize your well-being.

How can a BBIA help you?
As Mind Body and Energy Medicine practitioners, we employ the BBIA to provide you with current insights about your well-being seen via intuitively scanning the body’s chakras and aura layers. The intuitive process-oriented skill-set allows us to offer you an in-depth energetic visualization that’s holistic and specific. Many clients seek intuitive insights to support decision-making, life-course charting, healing choices, and relationship development / enhancement. Additionally, clients apply BBIA insights to identify next steps in their energetic wellness journeys, e.g., Healing Touch, Heart Math® or guided imagery.

How do we help you using BBIA?
Results of the BBIA allow us to help you identify energetic “influencers” that may be impacting your current well-being. Influencers can be relationships with people, and / or conscious / unconscious buried thoughts, embedded beliefs, and constricting / limiting emotions.
Using BBIA, we support your goal of expanding self-awareness and, importantly, self-acceptance.
Using BBIA, we intuit ingrained beliefs that may automatically and, sometimes unconsciously, chart your daily behavior.
Using BBIA, we uncover possible or potential impediments to your improved clarity of mind. Sort of an energetic “intuitive attitude adjustment” which provides you an opportunity to reflect upon—and redesign if you wish—the potency of the spiritual connection you may currently have with your Higher Self. We recognize your Higher Self as the you that is unlimited and eternal. It’s the part of you that motivates you with inspiration, guides you with intuition and teaches you through insight. The Higher Self is the part of you that has not been wounded by judgements or prejudices.
Using BBIA, we provide you a second opinion as a way for you to gain neutral insights that may assist you in making choices about your well-being.
If you’re interested in just some of the evidence-based scientific research validating the existence and effectiveness of intuition as a means to health and healing, here are links to 8 studies, some with outcomes about the benefits of intuition and aspects of Biofield Balance® Intuitive Assessments skills. Enjoy.
Assessing the accuracy of medical intuition, a deeper view of intuition, biofield physiology: a framework for an emerging discipline, clinical judgement and the emotions, biofield therapies: helpful or full of hype, expanding diagnostic vision with medical intuition, intuition in medical practice, and intuition and evidence—uneasy bedfellows?
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